But now I sit in my office at this ungodly hour finishing off what was left of this line. With a candle burning I struggle to collect my thoughts as they flow. Impulsively typing out the lines that only make sense to you while the rest of the world is left guessing. Looking back into the mirror, I see a soul still seeking asylum for decisions made so long ago. But where do we go to quench these rantings blaring through our heads? Do we ignore the noise and thereby lose your compassion, or do you fight continue to fight for what you believe?
Sleep well my sweet muse and don’t allow the doubt to trouble your mind. We will always be in this together no matter the distance. Know that you always have me in your corner. Just as I know you are in mine. Remember that despite what we see reflecting in the mirror there will always be a light. A glowing ember that penetrates us both and leaves our hearts wanting for nothing.