Waxing philosophically is all that’s left in my arsenal. From a life scattered with both joy and tragedy, taking me to the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. But at the moment I am at rest. The troubles that weigh on my heart are tamped down for the moment. Giving me a reprieve from the obvious troubles that surround me. So I must be patient as I hear the distant sound of the geese flying above. With the stubborn sound woodpecker as it continues to hammer away at that power pole in the corner of the yard.
I love writing, it’s a gift I long suppressed. It’s just unfortunate that my way I express myself has fallen out of favor to the quick quotes and shocking memes of today. I guess it shouldn’t matter, I don’t have the stamina to entertain a large following anyway. If nothing else my art brings me incredible joy, and in the end that’s what matters. So live in your moment. Rather you thrive in silence and grace or the noise and confusion of the modern world. Find your joy, as I wish you another peaceful day.