Still as the sun peeks through the leaves, I see the world as it rushes by. In between the delivery vans, the log trucks, and that one slow moving lawnmower; it’s a parade of man’s seemingly ridiculous progress passing before my eyes. But I remain content to just sit back here away from the noise. Watching my girls and their husbands struggle with bills and finding time between making a living and raising kids. I thought about my son-in-laws with Father’s Day coming up. I remember the days of fear hoping that I was holding my little right or that we had enough food in the house for them to eat. While to a point I still have to worry about those things and more, my days of being a full-time parent are done. Now all I worry about doing is not being a burden on my kids.
So I taste the wind as I strain to look upward towards the sky, with life endlessly passing by. Fading ever so softly into the memories of those I love. But you know that’s okay, before there was a me there were earlier generations I never really knew. They stacked the bricks that eventually became my lineage. Even though I don’t know all their names, what they left me was a blueprint for the children after me. So dream what you will. Don’t let any troubling task at hand take away from your peace. For it is the accumulation of memories that leaves a legacy.