So I work to pace my anxiousness with the promise of better days. But the bitterness that runs its endless course. Is finally pulling at the last stings of courtesy we have. But here I am again falling down a rabbit hole for which there is no answer. Raised under a doctrine of loyalty and duty. We perish under the weight of the words we learned from the beginning. Taking what little we were given, abandoning the truth we know so well.
In front of me a female bluejay lights to the ground. Focused on hunting and gathering for her young family. While not paying attention the whimsical musings of a broken old man. She probes through the freshly cut grass the gather what is necessary for the survival of her own. Not carried away by the “what-ifs” or the “could-have-beens” that surround us. So as the clouds erase the simmering waves of light from the lawn. I’m reminded that our troubles will pass. And that once again it will be your words and your beauty that comfort my soul.