Searching Google Gemini AI it offered some interesting “causes” behind such incidences. The search included three possible interpretations including: Intuition and Subconscious Awareness, Synchronicity, and Precognition. All which I’m sure you’d all rather search yourselves. While each in their own way delve into various instances of projection, they all seem to carry a common theme. That the human mind often carries the ability to project a desired outcome, even if that outcome isn’t what your looking for at the moment. Google AI did gave me some other interesting insights into my own chain of thought by describing as well: The Law of Attraction, Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, and The Observer Effect. All which again make fascinating reads.
While my cynical mind often sees my little visions as nothing more than happenstance, it does create an interesting rabbit hole to crawl down on a boring weekend afternoon. Still it makes me wonder just how some things such as our destiny often lie just beyond our control. But from experience and observation no matter the reason, life and the pursuit of peace are the major goals each and every human heart. So while my cynical heart often preaches that “No good deed goes unpunished”. Within the soul there is always that glimmer of hope that truth and happiness will win out in the end.