But in all honesty these are all just symptoms of the things that are really bothering me worry and anxiety. As we head out into this new adventure of living, we all have to adjust to the changes in our own path. For my wife it’s dealing with a new space and a whole new level of modern appliances. While I have to adjust to the confinement and the echoing of sounds. But our son who seems to have the least trouble, simply makes his tea and enjoys having his own bathroom.
Still as the older statesman of the family I feel like I’m having the most trouble adjusting. Just this morning my Word 365 changed yet again without asking me by adding the “Copilot” program to itself. So far I rank that cheat code right up there with that damn “Paperclip” from 30 years ago…remember that. Anyway I disabled it, if I wanted to use an AI program to write my words I’d use “Gemini” and believe me, me and it get into enough fusses about that. Anyway while my Dear wife plays “nursery rhymes” way too loudly and bangs around even more pots and pans, I take it all in stride. Knowing that this move here is for the best despite my current anxiety getting the better of my head.