So as the not so silent minority of society awaits it’s calling away, I sit here stoic awaiting as well. Waiting for the compassionate to come to their senses and create a better world instead of continuing in this one created out of greed and self-pleasure. But as atlas shrugs in it’s own arrogance, a seed that was planted a long time ago continues to grow. That seed of love, empathy, and respect, terms that the elite have forgotten, grows strong in the hearts of many.
So as my head continues to spin from all the confusion, my focus is still clear. As you continue your quest for division and conquest of the other. Setting your eyes towards isolation for the purest of race. For what happened nearly a hundred years ago still won’t work today. To marginalize and genocide a particular few won’t create a utopia but instead will create a regime that will eventually eat itself. For connection and compassion are the keys to fulfilling the promise of paradise. Not rhetoric or half-truths or blaming anyone but ourselves.