I’m pretty proud of the work I’ve put in on my website “TRUTH-Lies…with FD Thornton” at “fdthornton.com”. I’ve been this running site going on for at least seven years now. It’s a labor of love that apparently offers very little to the general public. But to my two or three fans out there, it’s a hit. Recently Google Ads finally got me to run ads on the site. But looking at the site with them I’m reminded of why I hate sites with ads. It’s not that I’m trying to make money off the clickbait but would be nice to get the site to pay for itself.
Still I do it for the joy of telling a story. Because I figured out a long time ago that no one cares to hear or read a story anymore. They just assume scroll through social media at lighting speed. Even giving videos barely enough time to finish. So to a point, I feel like I’m keeping up a dying art, where the story doesn't have to be overly complicated. It’s just the enjoyment of a simple distraction that makes it real. It’s a reminder of days at Grandma’s kitchen table or around a campfire with friends having a beer letting the kids roast marshmallows.
By the end of the month we’ll be moving into a modern heated apartment building. With neighbors to the left and to the right, with a few on top. It’s the first time my wife and son have lived in an apartment, while it’s been 40 years since I have. While back then it was easy to make friends with my neighbors. Now and days even our good Baptist neighbors don’t come by. But like the old dinosaur that I am, I’ll keep typing away creating stories for no one in particular. Continuing to piss off the algorithms that want to control my life. Flapping in the breeze like the laundry.