I fixed what I think was a really nice dinner last night, My wife and sons enjoyed it so much they’re having leftovers for lunch today. Unfortunately since midnight everything I’ve ate up to now and including some buttons I swallowed as a kid, has exited my body. As gross as that sounds, it is an issue I’ve lived with the a number of years. Liver damage and a missing gall bladder are mostly to blame. But I am prepared if this little problem ever flares up and I have my gastroenterologist on speed dial just in case.
But as with most things, this too shall pass, and I just have to manage it till then. I blame most of my physical failures on myself, with a few inherited genetic issues mixed in. But at its core, most all of my physical problems can be traced back to the stress and anxiety I’ve lived with over the decades. But I don’t consider all mental problems a detriment to my well-being. In fact some of my internal fears are probably the reason I’m still here today. You see without having health anxiety, many of my physical conditions may have not been discovered.
I suppose the moral of this little tale is this, not all mental or physical issues are a death sentence. They simply require your added attention and care. So don’t let a mental or physical disability limit the things you can do. I mean as I lay here with a heating pad across my belly. I recognize the cause of this and I’m doing something about it. But while I am dealing with it, I am also handling phone calls, replying to messages, and even sending messages of encouragement and power. All while I’m writing this little story. Never let disadvantage take away your gifts.