After a while it becomes old hat, seeing to the needs of those who can’t. But I fear it comes at the cost of my own sanity. The forgetting of names, words, and dates, the little details often demanded at a moments notice. But such as it is for those whom care for others. Who must stand at attention when others get to lay down. But a sharp knife dulls after so much use. Making one more slice without sharpening, then putting it back in the drawer.
It's long past noon now and my administrative chores are through. A blurred image of the president flashes across my muted TV. Buffy quietly laying next to my leg. Success is usually measured by the amount of wealth you accumulate. Or acreage you possess or the number of achievements you’ve gained. While my mind is drawn to that scented candle, whose flame is barely seen. Not doing much but at least doing it’s job. To deliver light and focus on things many can’t see.