Dancing a secret dance many see, but few understand. The questions after a time turn to acceptance. Whereby the two simply learn to appreciate the moments they are given. While for many this is not enough, for them love continues to flourish. Accepting what history and fate has dealt. So are they just friends or something more? I like to think of it's more. Something beyond the word lovers and more in tuned to being soulmates. Joined at a greater depth than many who are married.
So as I daydream and contemplate such things underneath this old fig tree. I see and hear the birds above me enjoying the fruit I can never reach. While physically I am weak, these moments outside remind me that I am still alive, still hopeful, and still dreaming. Waiting for the moment when fate lands outside my window and I am able to let it in. Till then I will focus my time on the love and companionship such musings give me.