I don’t mean for this to sound like a total criticism of AI programing. I mean as the AI is learning and growing from information it draws from the internet, it’s nice to know it hasn’t started sounding like your drunk uncle at Thanksgiving. Still it is helpful with dissecting what it is I’m trying to say. Often pulling out hidden meanings I didn’t know I was thinking. And while Gemini sometimes offers me suggestions and examples of what I should say. I was drilled in college so hard about avoiding plagiarism that I am very controlling about my creative process. Still a critical ear is never a bad thing… aggravating, maybe…but never bad.
I guess my point of this is programs and software are tools. And tools are meant to enhance the quality of your product. If you are totally against such progress than we might as well go back to cave painting walls and stretching words out on stone. While I sit in my solitude I am grateful to have a program that helps with my grammar and seeing things I didn’t realize I was saying. So yes, I understand there are many that abuse the process and have the program write or draw their so-called creation. The potential of these advances are limitless in allowing room for more creation and refinement.