I watched my soaps and took a nap after lunch. Now I’m just enjoying the sound of the songbirds and the distance moan of cars and semis passing by. By this point I’m writing just for the sake of writing. Putting my finger on this tiny keyboard hazing through my thoughts for the day. Not having anyone to talk to that honestly gives a shit. I understand why hurting people write manifestos of death and destruction. When they also believe nobody cares. Wow. That took a weird turn didn’t it?
We blame the easily marked for the world’s troubles. While we ourselves rant and rage when things don’t go our way. So maybe I am blessed in that I can rant and rage across this screen that nobody really gets anyway. But in the end I have enough self-compassion to see past my own self-judgement to free my soul. But it still gets lonely out here, while the world goes deafly silent except for the sound of a lone bumblebee passing by my ear.