I’ve written several pieces over the past few weeks, but nothing really seemed worth publishing . They were mostly journal pieces where I was mostly venting more frustration than anything else. And while some may say, “That hasn’t stopped you before posting about that before.” I don’t know, I guess I’m just trying to be a little “cheerier” when it comes to my circumstance and attitude.
As I delve deeper into a more Zen-like state of mind, I’m not trying to fool myself by looking through “rose colored glasses”. Instead I am working on not being so controlling or possessive. Thereby freeing myself from the fear and worry that ego often places on the heart. It doesn’t mean I’m any less empathetic, it just means that I take on a less “what if” view, by seeing things as they are and remembering nothing is permanent. So as I sit outside as much as I can, knowing that soon I’ll be more confined in an apartment. But still that doesn’t stop me from remaining hopefully that more opportunities for peace and reflection will come my way.