But enough grandpa talk, I woke up this morning from a deep night’s sleep. Not by anything let a physical pain, but rather from a mental angst. After decades of living with panic disorder, GAD, and clinical depression; I get more angry with my mental ailments then anything else. Because I usually know when they are coming. But there are moments when that sly fox called panic sneaks up on me and says, “Boo!” So what do you do but give it credit for getting one over on you and carry on. I much of a plan, but it works for me.
So I look at the world, I look at the picture above. I’m more comfortable with myself then I ever had. And it’s really not from some “pie-in-the-grace” or “live a good life so you don’t come back a chicken “ kind of ideal. But through simple observation. Remember the Bible verse “consider the lilies” (Matthew 6:28-33). Basically it says, they want for nothing, nor do they worry about it. That’s sorta the philosophy that I have adopted. To take the worries as they come, acknowledge them, and work towards a better day. That’s how I plan my life.