With the sun to my side I stare out onto the newly paved street, while vendors line up in the town square for the Christmas Day celebration later. Right now I’m dealing with an upset belly while my wife continues to pack up a lifetime of stuff for our next move. So far I’ve got a date for the utilities to be cut off here and to have them cut on at our new apartment. It’s looking like we’ll be having a busy Christmas moving in and out. While I’m doing my best to focus on the positives of this move. Little things like an upset gut and a tension headache remind me that uncomfortable thoughts still remain.
Next week is our last doctor’s week for the year for me and my wife. With an appointment to check on her ongoing issue. While my appointment deals with my never-ending pursuit to get an ICD implanted in my chest. I suppose being outside now is my little reprieve from before the upcoming storms of life. So right now I’m focused on the multiple woodpeckers tapping around the neighborhood. I’m not sure if it’s multiple woodpeckers in different trees. Or just one very industrious woodpecker contractor working different job sites. Either way I’m enjoying the sun warning up my bones and the industrious cry of nature reminding me to relax and pace myself.