While the leaf blowers add to my already pounding head. I wait patiently for a spark of inspiration to come. But all I can think about is a dream I had last night. It involved seeing an innocent animal slowly die and making the decision to end its life mercifully. It was a hard dream to have to wake from, and it gave me pause as to what it truly meant. But considering the stress I have been suppressing lately, I’m sure its true meaning will come to mind soon enough.
Well it seems I’ve hit the jackpot today, for just as one lawn crew finishes, yet another crew starts mowing another lawn. But hopefully once they’re finished, I’ll be rewarded with the sweet smell of fresh cut grass. But isn’t that how life often works sometimes. We bear the burdens of life’s trials and tribulations, with no apparent end in sight. But if we remain patient and consistently work through our troubles. Eventually we’ll be rewarded with the slightest scent of the peace we so desire.