Still a box fan is a poor substitute for a gentle breeze blowing up under a shaded oak. So as I watch the good Baptist out my window gather for another Sunday of fellowship. I can’t help but think of the days when I myself thought gathering on a Sunday was a pleasant thing to do. So against my better judgement, I grabbed my bottle of lemon oil bug repellent and headed outside.
Thankfully there is a slight breeze blowing and a full shade under the sycamore trees. Thinking about memories, I suppose our mind often protects us from the sadness of our past. Or maybe it’s just granting us wishes that never quite came true. Like moments where our own decisions kept us away from the happiness we so desperately needed. Still decisions were made and they can’t be taken back. So in the scheme of things, maybe it’s just best to make amends with the past, then enjoy the moments we have right now.