The sun as bright as it can get for a cold winters morning. I put up my youngest son’s blackout curtains for now to cut down on the glare. At the moment the two computer mice, my socks, and my underwear are still missing. So it’s a process of washing what pairs I have till they can be found. As far as the mouse, I’m just going to get a new one so the other two will show up. I hope you don’t mind my new “first world problems”, before our problems consisted of fighting off hypothermia, keeping the pipes from freezing, having sunshine to dry clothes.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, even while living in survival mode all those years. I tried to never take for granted the little things, those small victories. Even the inconveniences I see in my current “condo” lifestyle don’t pull me too far from that sense of gratitude and appreciation. So as I sit here “waiting on the other shoe to drop”. I remind myself that while I lost the yard and the trees, I still have new places and things to discover. So as I look out the windows into the golden sunlight, I’m reminded that troubles come, and troubles go. But with patience and tenacity of spirit you will see better days.