Feeling a little funky in the center of my chest. I’m fairly sure it has nothing to do with my heart, but more to do with actual indigestion. I eat something greasy last night and I have been paying for it ever since. God knows why I’m telling you any of this, I’m pretty sure you’d rather hear about golden snowflakes or my latest trip to the Bahamas. But I’ve never been to the Bahamas and the closest I’ve come to a golden snowflake is peeing in some snow. As you may or may not can tell I’m bored as hell. It’s Sunday morning, it’s raining and dreary outside, and my refrigerator doesn’t work. And we still got another week to wait on the apartment to be finished.
I really hate dazzling you with my bleak rays of sunshine. But oftentimes life is just this way. Much like those people in Texas picking up their lives after a bad weather situation. I may not have feel the same way they felt about this storm, but I can empathize. Maybe if we all decided to feel that way about the children of Gaza, or the drug addicted in West Virginia, or the homeless living under the overpass. Then maybe we would shut our months about our shitty little problems that don’t really mean a damn thing. I know, you’re all getting ready to say “but”. But hey, I know my problems are just as petty. And this has been ”our” Sunday Sermon.