Our existence can be a complicated thing. We rail on about the environment, yet we clog our streets with more and more traffic. We fuss and fight about our rights, yet lack any compassion for anyone else’s beliefs. Human existence hinges on our instinct to survive. By the very laws of nature we are wired to put self first. But though the evolution of our cognitive development. We’ve learned that compassion and empathy can also lead to the benefit of the whole. Meaning that together we can all thrive and survive.
Listen, the world’s gonna turn rather we’re here or not. And while the Christian Bible calls for us to take dominion of the earth (Genesis 1: 26-28). That doesn’t give us the all clear the kill and trash it. I may believe I have the right to live in filth and squalor. But my neighbors and the laws that we abide by, may say otherwise. Freedom isn’t a one-size-fits-all thing. It’s a responsibly to those around you. Yes, you can complain and yes you can protest. But when you seek to violate the rights of others. Then who’s really enjoying the fruits of all our labor?