Decades past my wife was diagnosed as handicapped, an unpleasant word to write, let along think. But as a Special Needs Individual the cognitive damage she sustained when she was young, makes it hard for her to communicate and remember things. That along with some degree of impaired motor function, at times her frustration gets the better of her. Making her susceptible to emotional outbursts due to her inability not to be able to do certain things. But at the same time my wife has an abundance of love and empathy, which over the decades has taught me to be more sympathetic and caring. Her love for her children, grandchildren, and family knows no bounds. And as our children excel at their life pursuits, it was their “poor momma” that read to them their numbers and the alphabet through song and play.
I guess my whole point in writing this is to show some appreciation for that pretty little skinny brunette siting in church proudly watching her preach. That was 38 years ago, and we’ve both seen a lot of things since then. We’ve felt the joy of witnessing new life, as well as the sting of death of those we loved. Now that we are both entering our senior years (me more so than her). It is up to me and our family to lay down a path of protection for her and our oldest son. I don’t mean to sound so melodramatic but sooner then later it will be time to pass the baton of responsibility on to our children for their care. But who knows I may live another 30 years (much to the chagrin of my children), but at least plans for my wife and son are being made. So how about you? What are your plans?