Yesterday afternoon I went to my cute little cardiologist NP, for the results and outlook of my recent heart catheterization. Sadly I guess, the outlook isn’t very good. The angina and heart flutters I’ve been having at night are do to a decrease in my hearts Ejection Fraction (EF). Normally the lower chambers pump blood at 50%, below 40% isn’t good. Mine are down to 20%. So my cardiologist recommends implanting an ICD defibrillator. So hopefully down the road, So I'm getting a Baby Bobby (Long story).
So am I worried about the consequences, huh, Yes! Do I trust the diagnosis? Even Bigger Yes! So I’m preparing myself for a life with a few new shocking surprises. I wish the news was better or at least the same. But it is what it is. My NP did say that was not retaining fluids , was is common. Or that I didn’t need another stent. Is just that things are deteriorating as is often the case with congestive heart failure. But with this change in medication and the implant as a backup plan. I’ll do my best to make sure my life is worth more time.