The unpredictability of it all means never putting your summer clothes up… ever. Plus it gives us some relief from the mid-50’s we usually suffer through. (I know cry me a river) I suppose what I’m saying is, life doesn’t come with any guarantees. The butterfly effect is a real thing, where one seemingly small action can affect much larger actions. I don’t say this to scar you into some kind of always “play it safe mode”. The point is more about staying aware of the things you say or do.
For me personally I’ve said and done a lot of things that I later on regretted, both professionally and personally. Now being aware doesn’t mean you won’t make mistakes. Hopefully means you will be quicker to own up to them. Despite our best plans, life is an unpredictable thing. You got to learn to “roll with the punches”. So be mindful of your actions, but don’t let fear dictate your life. Unpredictability can often be a good thing, like giving you a small reprieve from the chills of life.