To be honest, neither is great option. Yet one often leads straight into the other. But it makes me wonder if some of today’s modern medical miracles have robbed humanity of its natural order. I mean is living a life where you have to tiptoe over landmines like A-fib or CHF really living? Or should we be destined to live and die by our life choices? I know it’s a shitty thing to think about and besides I suck at philosophy.
Hell, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, art. Through the benefit of medical science and a healthy dose of fear, I’ve learned to slowdown. And in doing so, I’ve learned to develop my creative talents and grow with them. So while evolution may say, “only the strongest survive”. The cognitive mind often says, “Wait a moment, I have a solution for that”. Every day we wrestle with the natural order of things to accomplish our goals. But in the end, it’s quality not the quantity that makes it all special. So don’t live in fear of the moment. Embrace it and see where it goes.