I can’t help but wonder about my own perspective of the world and how limited it can seem. Lately I have allowed that limited view cloud my optimism and peace of mind. Allowing my mind to once again dig into the roots of long dormant seeds of sadness and fear. Rather you pray to the Christian God or to one of the many other Gods scattered across this big blue ball. Know that we are all searching for peace of mind and comfort. But oftentimes our prospective is often so limited by our circumstance, that we fail to see the bigger picture.
That life is more than just the limits we place upon ourselves and that there are others to also consider. Compassion and empathy I believe are gateways to seeing a grander picture than just ourselves. That by considering the needs of the many we ultimately consider the needs of the one. I don’t know what got me started on this path, other than turning on my computer and seeing that screen. But thinking of these things is allowing me to look outside my window and appreciate the clouds and the drizzle just a little bit more.