Anyway, the fact that I have a small intimate following, gives me pause when it comes to world events. Because whichever side you take, someone’s going to disagree. Currently we are being inundated with graphic images of dying families and children, from a war that’s been brewing for decades. A war that’s roots are older than written history. A war in which no one is frankly in the right anymore. It would be easy for me to just hide behind my wall of America and ignore the hurt. But I have too many Jewish friends, I have too many Muslim friends, and frankly I feel torn down the middle.
We speak of unity, yet deep down we often choose sides. There are factions in this war that simply cannot be right. I believe in human kindness, I believe in compassion and mercy. Things I haven’t really seen of late from anyone. I’ve seen conservatives rip into liberals for being “less than”. I’ve seen liberals do the same thing to conservatives. And I’m so damned tired of it. There are many that know me well enough to say, “Hey, aren’t you one that rips into the differences of others as a joke!” “You, are such hypocrite!” Well there is no denying I can other be a cynical smartass. But differences are the flavorful ingredient that holds progress and understanding together. This current war has killed one too many. And it has the potential of killing many billions more all in the name of “they started it first”. All I can do is love all of you and pray for a solution.