Growing up my focus was on a small set of friends and a very small world view. Today while I live in near isolation in the physical world. I have hundreds of friends and acquaintances globally. While my focus of friends globally is mostly musicians, painters, poets, and writers. There are still cultural and spiritual differences scattered amongst us. What this has done over the decades, is open my eyes to a greater purpose and potential for humanity. Meaning that through art, through empathy, and through a shared passion, we can all easily get along if we tried.
Listen, I doubt my one voice will change anyone’s mind about bigotry, class censorship, or religious intolerance. But just as that one young man asked me, how I was doing? Maybe we can all look beyond what we see around us and grasp the bigger picture. If you want to convince me you are right and that I am wrong, then live it. Prove to me what is fair, prove to me what is just, and what is truly compassionate. There's no difference in the vibrant blues and mosaic patterns of his home, compared to the muted greys and greens of mine. We are all more alike than we are different. Creating a more God-like view means seeing everything as it is and acknowledging our differences.