The squawking crow singing in my ear adds an interesting contrast to the songs of the other birds. Creating an almost jazz-like break in the rhythm I hear. But if you think about it, isn’t that just nature’s way. That a symphony of apparent chaos creates its own magical symmetry. Since learning to slowdown, I understand that the methodical pace in which we live; is often counterproductive to our nature. That nature itself is chaotic yet still maintains a certain order.
Our analytical minds strive for order and a sense of normalcy. So while our so-called cognitive abilities grant us some power over mother nature. Our manipulation of nature only seems to create more disorder and harm. So as this afternoon settles in, I know it’s time for me to go inside. For mother nature is persistent, and that in my frailty, I know when it’s best to leave her alone. For all my manipulation and best intentions can’t stop me from getting burned.