If I bring up the subject with our daughter I’m usually met with some resistance. Oh I’ve heard all the excuses. Still in all my years of dealing with people, there were very few I genuinely didn’t get along with. But I’m saving this fight for another day. As long as our son-in-law is good to our daughter, I’m fine. Each of us has to grow in our own time and pace. To understand another person takes time and nonjudgmental listening. I’m sure a few people think I’m a bit “nosey” or at the very least a bit too candid. But that is okay, I figure this is my forum so I can do pretty much as I please. But don’t worry, when conversating with someone I’m a good listener and a great secret keeper.
I guess the thing is we all need an ear to lean on sometimes. Unfortunately in these hurried times there’s not much time for intimate chatter. Besides social media has setup this false narrative that we all must be at our best. I suppose that’s okay for a nice picture showing you having fun. But most of the time we are wrapped up in the mundane doings of life. So maybe my candor hasn’t won me a 7,000 followers let alone 700. But that’s none my concern. Instead I find myself driven by a need to connect. That with each person I’m given the opportunity to know. I try and be as present as I can.