The only thing I got going on is that I’ve restarted my next book project. I’m hoping to make this one a little different. Instead of just cutting and pasting past stories and poetry. I’m breathing new life into many stories by revising them with what I hope are refreshed out comes. I’m doing the same with some of the poetry as well. All and all I’m wanting to create a more readable and cohesive work. But at the moment I’m taking a break watching the high clouds passing, while listening to the busy world pass me by.
I wish each one of you a few peaceful moments. I know life is hard and it doesn’t appear to be getting any easier. I’m sorry you have to experience this, but through mindfulness, cleansing breathes, or some good old fashion prayer. You can experience the freedom of a peaceful existence. I didn’t say life will get any easier, but through awareness and self-examination you can cultivate a spirit of tolerance and love.