Last month it looks like my dream of living here might end abruptly. But with the payment of this months rent at least I brought myself another month. I know a lot of my readers have opinions and advice. But to be honest until I walked in another person’s shoes. All the words in the world don’t mean a hell of a lot. Still the scent of the laundry on the line is giving off a pleasant scent. While the EMC guys next door are shuckin’ and jivin’ with each another while having lunch. With the sunshine, the breeze, and the fresh cut grass, it’s making for a peaceful day.
The thing is I’m not sitting here trying to avoid anything. It’s just that I’m pacing myself for the inevitabilities that are going to come. Like the fact the my family may not be able to live here forever. But it’s totally counterproductive to my or anyone else’s wellbeing to tie myself up in knots about anything. So I this moment while I wait to jot down my thoughts. I focus on the here and now and the things I can control. Like my attitude, my fear, and my peace of mind. Don’t like fear hold you for hostage too long. Express your emotions, forgive yourself, and let go. For someday the dream will come true.