Listen life hands you what it hands you. Now that doesn’t mean you should give up and not approve your situation. You see, my wife is disabled, not by any fault of her own. But every day she sits down and work on the things her brain has trouble doing anymore. For over 30 years I’ve watched her try over and over again to improve her situation. So for any of us to just give up, I frankly find that an insult to human will.
Our children are supposed to grow beyond us, and while they still need a little seasoning and maturity. That will eventually come with age. So while I may never own another thing in my life. At this point, I’m fine with that. My journey has led me to a place where possessions and accumulation are meaningless. I walk a path of creativity and peace. All I ever got from having money was more stress and more trouble than it was worth. So all I will say is, do what you have to do to follow your dreams. Live a life of peaceful existence, and never stop allowing yourself to grow.