As for me, my lazy ass is just killing time. I hate these moments when I just feel paralyzed by the waiting I often have to do. Even the routines of life don’t often fill my creative need to be heard and seen. On IG alone I have well over 4000 posts. Now if that doesn’t scream needy and desperate for attention, nothing does. Still I pen my little words, hoping somewhere my voice is needed. But hey, I’m a realist and I know in this world of instant gratification, I’m but a small drop of regurgitated information.
Still I write and I write, and I take my photographs with my cheap little phone. But to what end? Some monetary satisfaction? Hardly. To broaden my likes and followers? Yes, but that’s reduced to just a diehard few. I guess it all boils down to creativity. My friend artist Rod Jones, spends a great deal of time exploring and reflecting on the need for creativity. And while some of his thoughts are way above my pay grade. I understand and I’m often frustrated by the need to create. So as I look around at the desire of the natural world to begin flourishing again. So to I create yet another piece art. For me, if for no one else.