My bride is doing the dishes, while I wait on a load of laundry to finish. It’s funny and frustrating to watch her work. She means well, but my bride can get so easily distracted that she’ll stop at the slightest distraction. Usually leaving a half done sink full of dishes while she’s off doing something else. My landlord just “slowly rolled” by the house in his pickup. I guess old habits die hard when you’re a retired prison guard.
Remember that old saying ,“when life hands you lemons”, that your grandma would always tell you. Well my old Granny would pass on pearls of wisdom like, “when you stir shit with a stick, it only smells worse “, when talking about gossiping. Or a family favorite, “can’t never could”, when faced with a problem. Well now the shoes on the other foot and I am the grandparent now. My grandkids are still too young to really ask for advice other than watch me PaPa! But it’s still funny to watch the passage of time. Seeing your babies turn into frantic adults, while watching your grandkids learn to crawl or do second grade math homework. The passing of time is something we all must face. But it’s been a good day, my bride did finish the dishes and the clothes are now drying on the line.