When it comes to your health, more often than not “the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand’s doing”. So I try my best to keep up with the five specialist that I see. Making sure each of them is aware of what the other is doing. But I can only imagine what it’s like for an older person or someone with diminished cognitive issues to juggle.
I bring this up to say, life is a precious gift. To squander that gift due to pride or ignorance, shows little regard for yourself or those you love. And yes, I know, I know the cost of healthcare is outrageous. Believe me, I know. But despite my laissez-faire attitude towards death, I’m not going down without a fight.
The thing is treat yourself with respect. Eat foods that don’t come out of a bag. Don’t have time? That’s why God gave us Crock Pots. Don’t spend your entire life hiding behind four walls. Get a hobby that does not require watching TV. It’s fairly simple if you just try. I know most of you are half a paycheck away from ruin. Hey, I live on the same block. So stop being angry and be more proactive. Accept the situation and go from there. No lottery ticket or killing yourself for the man is going to solve the problem. But you can.