Life is all about the conditions that it places on us. Rather it’s being mindful of cuts and scraps. Or to know which side of the street to walk on to keep from being killed. Some of us are lucky to have few stipulations placed upon us. Rather by our gender, race, or social standing; we can move about freely with no real fear of consequence. I often see this every day with my classification as white and male. But what if I wasn’t, what if I were black or female or both? I like to think of myself as “color blind”, but what if somewhere conditioned in me are still those racist tendencies? The same can hold true for class or educational status.
I often find myself guilty of judging others by their upbringing or political standing. Labelling some as ignorant or selfish just by their political or religious affiliation. I was raised at the beginning of the Evangelical or Pentecostal movement of the 1970’s. These independent churches usually made up their own rules of spiritual interpretation as they went along. I personally stepped away from the particular type of theology a few decades ago. But like I said, we are all conditioned to think and live as our surroundings often dictate.
I guess what I’m trying too say is, things can change. We can ask forgiveness for the wrongs we’ve done. We can fight against the injustice we see placed upon others. Or look at the situations in which we all live and do our best to live despite them. Sitting out here while a scab begins to form over my latest wound, I’m reminded. This to shall pass. And that no matter the condition, we all must willing to fight for what is just of all.