I wish I could be as strong as most people around me appear to be. But my fragmented mind often prevents me from being the strong man I wish I could be. But through the practice of mindfulness I’ve discovered that even the strongest person carries burdens all their own. And in these troubled times that weight often gets tougher and tougher to bear. Leaving us bitter with little mercy to give each other. We often insulting the strength of the generations that came after us.
But what we fail to see the things was difference between us and them. For us communications was much simpler, but the lines between black and white were now drawn with a less merciful pen. So for one generation to insult another is a moot point. Each iterations of human existence is marked by it’s own troubles and fears. For me to place my values on another is to forget each of us has our own cross to bear. For me to assume that I know your innermost fears without knowing is an arrogant point of view. Let us all do our best to eliminate the envy and suspicion we towards carry each other. But through compassionate listening let us all learn that our similarities are all much deeper than our differences.