I’m sure all our kids in their own jaded, smart-ass way would say, “doing better than Mom and Dad wasn’t that hard to do”. And honestly, I wouldn’t be offended, because it’s actually true. From the word go Lisa and I struggled, marrying with one kid on the way. Then having three more in rapid succession. I struggled with work and making a living wage to house and fed four kids. Lisa struggled with her own disabilities. Then my own mental and physical health started taking a toll on our families well-being. I’ve always thought the reason our kids are successful is because they already seen the bottom and don’t ever plan on going back.
I suppose the point of dragging out all this personal business out is to say. No matter how successful or unsuccessful you may be, it’s the point that you tried that really counts. Rather it’s your kids or a co-worker, people are watching your actions. And if they see you trying then your point has been made. Oh, I can talk a big game. I come by that naturally. But my family also knows I’ll move heaven or hell for them. If you can build that type of trust in most every individual you know, then you have built a legacy no amount of failure can ever take down.