I write stuff, essays or poetry, that I think are pretty good. But once I publish it, I may get little to no response to it. Then there are things I throw together that I don’t really think that much of, that get liked, praised, and shared all over the place. It’s really weird. I guess that doesn’t make me much of a professional artist does it? But truth be told, I’m just a hack anyway. But I do enjoy hanging around “artsy” types. And every once in a while I may learn a little something from them.
So I hunt and peck at this tiny little keyboard, searching for meaning or at least something to make you laugh. And I don’t know, oftentimes it’s either right there in front of me or I have peck around a few hundred words to get it out. I’m pretty straightforward I’m not much on flashy words or symbolisms. I tend to get to the point. Hell, even my spell check / word anticipator have just about figured me out. As humans we are destined to create. It may not be some priceless piece of art, but it can be a delicious meal, or a sage piece of advice for a lost friend. Either way embrace your creativity, and although it may never sustain you, it can definitely enrich your days.