As human beings in order to survive we’ve learned to “adapt and overcome”. But for whatever reason we seemed to have forgotten how to do that. We’ve all centered ourselves into our own little world’s, often forgetting there is a greater good to be done. We shelter in place hold tight to whatever beliefs feel comfortable and hang out with just our own little tribes. But in a world of greater interconnectivity, being closed minded and openly hostel to traditions other than our own, is simply madness.
Now I’m not asking you to change your own personal beliefs. What I am asking you is be a little more tolerant of others beliefs. Here in the US we live within the boundaries of the rule of law. An imperfect system that can be adapted and changed. But remember what’s fair is fair. Boundaries are set for the greater good. But to rig the system for one’s own personal advantage is unfair and immoral. So let’s stop singing the praises of individual freedom. When all we really want to do is enslave others to our will.