Well I never really know who my audience is when I’m writing. I doubt any Gen Alpha’s read it, because they’re way too busy with the latest tend. Millennials are either far too busy paying off student debt or raising kids. While Gen XYZ’s are far too busy being cynical a-holes swimming in the delusion that they are somehow superior. I’m part of the in-betweens, with my feet firmly planted between the Bloomers and the Gen Z’ers. Because I remember all too well the euphoria we lived in the early ‘60’s. And the harsh realities of life we faced in the late ‘70’s and early 80’s.
But who am I really kidding. When I started putting my work “out there” I had dreams of making an impact. Of writing about the journey I was going through and making a difference. But those dreams were quickly sunk by the fickleness of social media. I’m not a tend or a hashtag, I’m just a man with a gift for gab; that’s simply learned to survive by trial and error. I’m basically nobody to most, yet to a few, I am somebody. So I try and keep that in mind as I publicly bare my soul across the internet. Some worry about my privacy, but honestly there’s nothing about me that an abuser would consider profitable.
So sit out here under the growing shade of the sycamore trees and fig bush; not doing much of anything but apparently wasting time. But that’s okay. I keep a check my delusions of grandeur. Realizing that only a few with enough ego and drive make it to the top. I suppose the question should be, does what they have to say really deserve our attention? Consider all your options. Do your damnest to be in the moment. Try not to live outside yourself. Embrace the flaws that are you and fix what needs fixing. Use your talents for good. And for God’s sake, don’t live for the option of others. Only live on the grace given to yourself.