I rediscovered the simple pleasures of life. The simple act of being there for family and friends. Letting go of hurt and grievance. Worrying less and less about material possession. All while being able to listen compassionately and remain aware. I’ll be the first one to tell you I am not proficient at any of these practices, but I am trying. I suppose my reason for bringing any of this up is the sadness and outright anger I see on display in today’s world.
While privately I have my outburst of anger and disappointment with others. Within my inner being I still mourn for those that choose not to see the obvious. The ones that would rather “go down with the ship”, than admit a wrong or sacrifice for the greater good.
Still it’s ironic that when confronted face to face, these angry individuals are usually quite kind. To the point of even contradicting there own anger words. I suppose the thing is, what do you value? Are growth and decency towards others too much to bear? Is the dogma in which you were exposed so unbending, that it contradicts it’s own truths? My life is too short for all of this. I’ve visited the edge of existence far too many times just to be that bitter. All I ask is that you think about your beliefs and how in sync they are with how you truly feel.