It's been seven years since I dodged that first bullet. After about a week of what I thought was excruciating heartburn. I finally came as close to death as I possible could and just before I weaved out of consciousness I called an ambulance. Needless to say after several more hospital visits and a few operations later, there I was laughing in the back of my eventual future. But not today. Today my heart is about as good as it’s going to get. I quit smoking, drinking, and lost 135 lbs. Now I’ve outlived my parents by two years. And I’m at the point where I can focus on other ailments brought on by my sinful living.
But don’t worry my face reminds me every day the abuse I’ve heaped upon myself. But as I work through each and every physical and mental ailment. I’m learning that there’s no point in worrying about the future, no more than the past. Because what’s done is done and that the future is created by the actions you take now. Impulse is often a good thing, but only if you are truly aware of what’s going on around you. So take care of yourself and don’t be afraid of irony that surrounds you.