In a world that seems to thrive on isolation. I find myself traveling among thousands that look totally alone. It’s a world that assumes so much, yet there is so much more to learn. I breathe in what the earth teaches me. If you must, a world created by the hand of God. As an example, a mouthpiece to a larger and deeper truth. While my sister rest, I stare out over the water so still, so mirror like. But when I look a little farther I can see the current moving. Changing the landscape, breathing new life into the dark water.
We move through the world in our individual boxes, isolated and cut off in a way. Yet if we look deeper there’s still a current that moves. An under tow that wants to pulls us together. Call it spirituality, call it karma, call it what you will. The Christian Bible says, “it’s not good for man/woman to be alone”(Genesis 2:18). So we search for deeper meaning in the stars or through some spiritual experience. I simply see these things through nature. Through the changing of the seasons. Through the life, decay, and then life again of the land. What greater example of love and unity is there when you’re feeling so totally alone. Hey, I understand.