Among one of the earliest mental health conditions I was diagnosed with was OCD. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is basically the mental condition where you obsess about a single task. And while those repetitive thoughts can be debilitating, they can be good, because my OCD has gotten me through a lot of difficult assignments at school and at work. But the downside of it has also led me to have added depression, anxiety, and even caused a heart attack or three.
Waking up from a my afternoon nap our calico cat immediately come over from her perch to lay on top of my stomach. This is her not so subtle way of saying I want a little bit of attention. While I find this a little act quite aggravating, I’ve come to realize that her attention seeking often stops me from obsessing about some thought I may have in mind. It’s as though the good Lord above sent me this aggravating fur ball to remind me, that just being in the moment is more important than scurrying about in fear.
Obsessing about the past and future is my kryptonite. I’ve failed at a many a life’s goal because of it. It has taken debilitating mental health issues and now a physical health breakdown to show me life’s more then a series of tasks. Being forced to slowdown and dive deeply into my own pain with love and compassion, has opened my understanding of the greater good. That planting good seed and listening intently is the greatest gift one can give. We hurry and hurry to achieve goals and often to just survive. Forcing us to forget that the journey itself is often the goal. Don’t wait for illness to force you to slowdown. Read the signs before having to slam on the brakes. Life is far too short.