So I ask, where do you want to be? I can see the sadness in your eyes, and I know the obligations that tie you down. Still do you wish to be free. Let’s take a moment and ask ourselves, who do I want to be? Am I just an actor playing a part? For far too long I said my lines and hit my marks. But when the curtain fell, the smiles went away.
Creativity and freedom come at a price. Things like your fear and vulnerability have no place to hide. But it was those very things that weighed us down. Leaving our hearts and minds in turmoil. While I often feel uncomfortable telling my story, it is out of that discomfort that I found the ability to be.
To be the person that I truly am, not the cynic or the loud obnoxious grouch I usually portray. I see the world in different colors, in different shapes, in different ideas. Gone are the infantile notions that the world must work just one way. In its place are the infinite possibilities of life. So is this where you want to be? If so then get uncomfortable and shed the skin that keeps you bound.