The practice of mediation and being mindful has given me a clearer sense of vision. It has opened a window into a world that is much more peaceful then it appears. I marvel at the detail of creation. Watching seeds grow into plants that then nourish the body or the smell of flowers that fragrance the air. This can also hold true for the creations of humankind. A beautiful piece of music, the emotions of a piece of art, or the telling of a good story.
But there are still moments though when the weight of the world drags on me. So I allow those waves to flow, being compassionate with myself and emotions they carry. Because to ignore how you feel, is to carry with you a seed of fear or hate. Which in time will only rob you of the ability to love or have hope.
As you read this, I hope your life is good. That the fear and pain are balanced out by love and appreciation. To me mindfulness isn’t a religious act, but more a state of mind. In which the mind, body, and soul work together to live in harmony. Peace is obtainable if you only look around you and see.