The world is full of wonder and beauty, but we often let our self-hatred and anger cloud our perception. We listen to our own destructive self-dialog without any self-compassion or empathy, which in turn burns away at any chance of happiness. That’s why I am a realist. I’ve learned to accept the good and the bad within myself, being mindful of the balance, and listening compassionately to my true emotions.
All this may seem a little silly to self-hype gurus, but it’s the one thing that has consistently brought me peace. Looking out my window I see the wind cut across the garden. The is Calico lying next to me keeping warm. I may live without a lot of the “necessities” of life, but I survive. I may not have achieved a lot of the dreams I set for myself, but I am content. Content with the idea that I know who I am and that I am aware of the things I need to improve. But most importantly, I am at peace with myself which is the most important thing of all.