Once we got home everyone scurried to their sacred places to have their treats. While everyone else headed back to their tablets and TV’s, I headed outside to sit in the shade. Many years ago when I first started studying the works of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. One of the first things I read was how to eat mindfully, and how to eat slowly and to savor each bite. That first lesson came to mind when I was enjoying the smooth and sweet flavor of my milkshake.
Over the years I’ve learned many more lessons. Some not sinking in as well as others, but none the less taught. But I guess the biggest lesson I’ve learned through mindfulness is to slow things down. To always be aware of my surroundings and to appreciate the complexity of the world around me. To always give an ear to what nature is trying telling you. I don’t know if Master Hanh has ever had a pineapple milkshake. But milkshakes, if made right aren’t things you can rush through. They require time and thought to get through. Let us hope in this instant gratification world. That we to can all learn the lesson of slowing down and savoring life.